Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Strong call to action: Epilepsy Action Australia

I wanted to share a good example of a strong call to action linked to the current economic climate.

It's from an organization in Australia called Eplilepsy Action.

When you visit their site now you are immediately presented with a video clip featuring one of their board members and patrons Tony Greig (for those non Aussies/Brits out there Tony is a former English cricketer and now cricket commentator).

I won't rant about the use of celebrities for charity endorsements, I'll leave that for another time.

What I do like about this is that it is clear, upfront, honest and links to the impact a lack of support will have on Australian families who have someone living with epilepsy. As a side note Tony also mentions that he has epilepsy so immediately grabs your attention as someone who has firsthand experience of what it must be like living with this condition.

Tony says, "without your support, families will miss out". Simple, but impactful.

If I have to be critical it's that the ask is watered down by giving people an option to "promote awareness" by joining their facebook group. It's a an easy default for someone to take. I'd remove this option and go straight for the donation request, and that only.

All in all though, good on Epilepsy Action for showing the tenacity and foresight to put this on their homepage. I hope it pays off for them.


1 comment:

Sharon said...


Epilepsy has gone from an obscure mental illness, to a serious illness recognized by state foundations. This remarkable awareness, is because of the great work organizations, such as yourself, has done. We here, at Disease.com, fully support the cause your organization stands for and we are dedicated to aiding in your mission statement. Disease.com is a website which features disease and infection preventions/treatments. If you could, please list us as a resource or host our social book mark button, it would be much appreciated. Lets dedicate our time to the welfare of the 3 million individuals with epilepsy.
If you need more information please email me back with the subject line as your URL.

Thank You,
Sharon Vegoe